"To stimulate creativity, one must develop
the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition."
Albert Einstein
Why do we often retain childhood memories while recent events are forgotten in minutes?
This happens because the brain synapses develop fastest between birth and more or less three years of age. This is when the brain neurons of a child are wired so to speak During this period it forms connections that eventually becomes memory and understanding. Just like in any growth and development, the brain needs to be nurtured and stimulated at the early stages of life to fully develop its capabilities for future learning.
Even those who believe certain talents are innate, agree that a child’s developmental stimulation, surroundings and environment have
a material impact on whether a trait is developed or remains latent.
In this process the role played by parents and educators is vital. At Infanticare we provide a stimulating environment full of learning activities from three months of age. We stimulate their development in various areas such as intellectual, small and large motor development, music, speech and mathematics. This is done by means of a different theme that is addressed weekly. The theme is enhanced by additional activities arranged to further stimulate the interest of the children.
Here are basic facts designed to encourage and stimulate the progress of the pre-schoolers to the next level of development:
• Children learn best when their physical needs are met and they feel emotionally safe and secure.
Young children are not supposed to sit and attend to paperwork or listen to adult lectures for long periods of time.
They need active play, as well as periods of quiet, restful activity in an environment that is safe and secure where everyone is accepted equally.
• Children learn through play.
Play provides opportunities for exploration, experimentation and manipulation that are essential for constructing knowledge.
Learning through play promotes the development of social, emotional and intellectual abilities of a child.
It is through play that children develop their imagination and creativity.
• Children construct knowledge.
They observe, compare, ask questions and discover answers. Knowledge is constructed as a result of dynamic interaction
between the individual and the physical and social environment. In a sense, the child discovers knowledge through active
experimentation, which eventually sometimes leads to "constructive errors" that are equally necessary to mental development.
• Children learn through social interaction with other adults and other children.
In this case, the teacher encourages and fosters relationships with his/her peers and other adults by supporting the child in
his/her effort and later allowing the child to function independently.
The teacher’s role is supporting, guiding, and facilitating developmental and learning experiences.
Belangrike feite oor stimulasie wat ons gebruik as basis by Infanticare
• Kinders leer die beste wanneer hulle fisies en emosioneel veilig en gestimuleerd voel.
'Kinders voel veilig in’ n omgewing waar hulle onvoorwaardelik aanvaar word .
• Kinders leer deur om te speel.
Spel, in verskeie vorme ontwikkel kreatiwiteit, verbeelding, sosiale en emosionele vaardighede.
• Kinders bou hulle kundigheid.
'n Stimulerende omgewing wakker nuuskierigheid en die soeke na nuwe kennis by kinders aan.
• Kinders leer deur sosiale interaksie.
Die sosiale blootstelling by die skool deur spel met maats leer kinders mededeelsaamheid, liefdevolheid, en respek vir ander
Hulle ontwikkel goeie sosiale vaardighede wat belangrik is vir die toekomstige rol wat die kind as volwassene moet speel.